When Life Tries To Get In The Way...
Do you ever wish that you could just coast through this life without any distractions whatsoever? To just be able to run toward your goals without ANYTHING standing in your way? Personally, as a recovering idealist, I love the idea of being free from ALL distractions. Who wouldn't? Unfortunately, we all know that in this life, it would never be possible. The bill collector will always be knocking at our door at least once a month. When we do arrive at a place where we start to feel financially secure, the vehicle will suddenly break down or the refrigerator will go on the fritz. Or when we least expect it, our health may even start to fail. There are so many ways that life makes attempts to deter us from staying on the path to reaching our dreams. I for one can attest to this truth.
These are the most important things that I've learned so far on my own journey towards reaching my goals:
Having a Solid Belief System Keeps You Grounded.
Without question, if I didn't have a personal relationship with my heavenly Father, I would not be able to achieve my goals. As a woman of faith, I know for a fact that it would be impossible to be where I am today without the help and support of Almighty God. He has saved me from numerous pitfalls and has provided me with his life giving word as a light to my path. When I meditate on his word consistently, follow his principles (direction), and keep in prayer, no matter what this world throws at me, I have the confidence that God will fix it. It's only when I find myself getting too busy to meditate on the scriptures and pray that I can start to lose that confidence and allow worry and doubt to creep into my thoughts.
Are you grounded by your beliefs?
Life Will Test Your Dedication Again and Again.
When I started on my journey towards living a well-balanced lifestyle and focusing on my writing career, it was like a walk in the park. I was motivated, focused, and stuck to a daily routine with no problem. Then maybe a month or so into it, little distractions starting to creep into the picture. As I was preparing for my vacation in October, I needed to put money out to have my vehicle serviced. And as I began adding some more challenges to my workout routine, my knee and lower back started acting up on me again. From then on, every month or so, there were other things trying to pull my focus away from keeping my inner zen. In order to achieve our goals, we need to stay centered.
I have been resolute not to let the pull of emotional negativity get in the way. It has been no easy task. Even now I'm dealing with sinusitis that has effected my inner ear. It has zapped my energy and left me feeling miserable. I allowed myself rest these past few days (no exercise), but today I need to get back on the horse. I'm starting back on my workouts, but only for 10 minutes at a time. Just until I start to feel better.
Are you allowing distractions to get in the way of achieving your goals? If so, what are you willing to do about it?

Not Everyone Will Be In Your Rooting Section.
We've all encountered situations where you thought that those closest to you would be your loudest cheering section. Only to find that in reality they are no where to be found when you want them to share in your greatest triumphs and successes. Since I'm a person who enjoys lifting up others and encouraging them along the way, it is still hard to fathom that those who are suppose to care about you are too busy at times with there own lives to acknowledge your victories. But, the bible even says this will be the case. I don't let it bother me when I'm at my best, feeling strong, healthy, and confident. But, if I'm struggling with not feeling well or having an off day...I can let that get in my head and cause me to feel disappointed. It's at that point when I really need to realize that God is ALWAYS with me and know that HE is ALWAYS available to share in my triumphs (1 John 2:5, Isaiah 41:10, Joshua 1:9, Psalm 46:1, Jeremiah 29:11, Romans 8: 37-39, Psalm 91: 1-16).
Who can you depend on to be in your corner 100% of the time?