Sunday, July 3, 2016

Taking Control of Your Thoughts...

In order to find a healthy balance in our lives, we must first learn to control our thought patterns. Since the way we think directly affects the way we feel in any given moment, it is important to be mindful of our thoughts. As human beings, we do have the capacity to think about anything we want.  But, I'm sure you've also noticed that there are certain thoughts that rise to the surface that we know have not originated from us. These strange and uninvited thoughts often leave us puzzled as to where they came from and how they can even appear to be coming from our own minds. While this is an important topic to continue, for now, I will leave you to your own assertions. 

However, I do want to reiterate what I had mentioned in one of my previous posts that when we experience having negative, unhealthy thoughts it is good to just stand back and acknowledge they are there without passing any judgment or giving them any credence and they will eventually dissipate. In this way, we don't give those thoughts any power over us. Thus any emotional reaction that would have been charged by surrendering to them is now dissolved. We are able to remain in a state of Zen. And while it is true that this can be accomplished with much practice and persistence, it is also true that the only way we can fully master this technique and find a constant peace of mind is by making it a point to actively do our own research into this subject as I have done for many years. One of the best and I believe only true sources of finding the answers to obtaining the balance and peace we all desire is directly from the word of God. In Psalm 29:11, Psalm 85:8, Psalm 119:165, Isaiah 26:3; 12, Matthew 11:28-30, Philippians 4:6-7, John 16:33, Romans 15:13 and in many other scriptures are the true answers to finding authentic, trustworthy, applicable peace of mind/heart that this world can never quench (John 4:1-38).

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